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RE: Email Hack: Help.

I'd say it's time to get a good firewall in place. That should answer   
part 2 of question 2. I don't know the answer to part 1, but I know that   
it isn't that hard; any good hacker should be able to do it.

As to questions 1 and 3, I heard a good speech from a Bill Spernow from   
the "National White Collar Crime Center" and he said to contact them for   
help on these types of questions. Their phone number is: (304) 291.2080.   
His e-mail is: byteguy@netcops.org  What he does is train law enforcement   
around the country on fighting computer crime. Naturally, he knows a lot   
about it and has many contacts. Alas, the laws still aren't very strong   
so there may not a whole lot you can do.

Clyde Davidson
Data Security Coordinator

From:  Doug Breault[SMTP:dbreault@ns.sprintout.com]
Sent:  Tuesday, June 25, 1996 10:20 PM
To:  World Wide Web Security
Subject:  Email Hack: Help.

Hello Everyone,

We've got a problem here with a hacker. There's some punk
apparently hacking a mail server somewhere and sending BS postings all   
the net regarding get rich quick schemes, etc - from a non-existent
account on our server. They've done it twice so far, from two different
non-existent accounts.

1. Is there any authority who we can call about this type of incident?
2. What are the methods one uses to do fake these FROM fields? And is
   there a way to prevent it?
3. What are the limits of prosecution available, is it typical US justice
   where even if they're caught red handed, nothing is done?

In addition, the culprit is apparently from Canada (from one of the
mail-me-some-cash addresses contained in the get-rich-quick   
is a long drive, but not so long that I won't make it to solve this
problem if necessary.

All information will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,